How To Propagate Spider Plants

The spider plant, known for its resilience and air-purifying qualities, is a mainstay in homes seeking a touch of verdant life. These plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also remarkably easy to multiply, making them a perfect project for gardening novices and seasoned enthusiasts alike. Propagating spider plants is a straightforward process that can be rewarding and cost-effective. With the ability to produce miniature versions of themselves, called spiderettes, spider plants offer a natural and simple method for expanding your indoor garden. In this guide, we will walk through the steps to successfully propagate your spider plants, ensuring that your green sanctuary continues to grow and thrive without the need for additional spending. Whether you’re aiming to fill your living space with lush foliage or share the joy of gardening with friends and family, learning to propagate spider plants is an invaluable skill.

Understanding Spiderettes

Spiderettes are the charming offspring of the spider plant, resembling miniature replicas of the mature plant. These ‘spider plant babies‘ emerge from the mother plant, often in abundance, as a natural part of the plant’s reproductive cycle. Spiderettes develop from flowers that bloom on the mature spider plant, gradually transforming into full-fledged plantlets complete with their own leaves and roots.

The production of spiderettes is the spider plant’s way of ensuring its legacy, a botanical phenomenon known as vegetative reproduction. Typically, a healthy spider plant will start producing spiderettes after a period of robust growth, usually in the summer when the days are longer and the plant can absorb more light. These baby plants hang from the mother plant like delicate ornaments on slender stems, known as runners. They are not only a sign of a thriving plant but also nature’s ingenious method of propagation, ready to root and grow with little intervention from us.

Spider Plant Propagation Methods

When it comes to propagating spider plants, gardeners have two primary methods at their disposal: soil propagation and water propagation. Both techniques are effective and can cater to different preferences or available resources.

Soil Propagation

Soil propagation involves planting the spiderettes directly into a suitable potting mix. This method is generally more straightforward, as it allows the spiderette to establish itself in its permanent medium from the start. It can be done by either leaving the spiderette attached to the parent until roots form or by cutting it free and then planting.

Water Propagation

Water propagation, on the other hand, adds an intermediary step. In this method, the spiderettes are suspended in water until they develop roots. Many find this process enjoyable as it allows them to observe root growth visually. Once a healthy root system is established, the plantlets are transferred to soil to continue growing.

Each method has its benefits, and the choice can depend on personal preference or the specific conditions in your home. Both will yield healthy new spider plants with the right care and attention.

Aftercare for Propagated Spider Plants

Once your spider plant babies have been successfully propagated, they will require attentive care to flourish. Here’s how to nurture these young plants:

Watering Requirements

Water your new spider plants sparingly. The soil should be kept slightly moist but not waterlogged to prevent root rot. A good rule of thumb is to water when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch.

Light and Temperature Conditions

Spider plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. Place them in a location that receives plenty of light but is shielded from the harsh midday sun. Maintain a consistent temperature, ideally between 65-75°F (18-24°C), and avoid drafts or sudden temperature changes.


Fertilize the spider plant babies sparingly, as over-fertilization can do more harm than good. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half the recommended strength, once per month during the growing season.

By providing the right balance of water, light, and nutrients, your propagated spider plants will grow into healthy, vibrant adults, ready to produce spiderettes of their own.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Successful propagation of spider plants is generally straightforward, but occasionally, you may encounter some issues. Here are common problems and their solutions:

Root Rot from Overwatering

If spiderettes are planted in soil that’s too moist, they can develop root rot. Ensure proper drainage and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Insufficient Root Growth

Sometimes spiderettes may struggle to develop roots, especially if the air is too dry. Increasing humidity can encourage root formation.

Brown Leaf Tips

This can be a sign of fluoride toxicity from tap water or over-fertilization. Use rainwater or distilled water and fertilize sparingly.

No Spiderettes Forming

Mature plants may not produce offspring if they are not receiving enough light or are pot-bound. Ensure adequate lighting and repot if necessary.

By recognizing and responding to these signs promptly, you can rectify most issues and help your spider plants thrive.


The journey from a single spider plant to a family of lush, arching greenery is a rewarding one. Propagation, a simple and satisfying process, can quickly expand your collection of these elegant plants. Whether you choose to root spiderettes in water and enjoy the visual progress of their growth, or prefer to plant them directly into soil for a quicker transition, the spider plant is undemanding and forgiving. It’s an excellent choice for beginners and those looking to share their gardening successes with others.

As your green thumb flourishes, so will your spider plants. With just a bit of care, they will reward you with new growth that can be nurtured and propagated all over again. We encourage you to embrace the process and enjoy the natural bounty that spider plants provide.

For more in-depth guidance and tips on propagating spider plants, here are three additional resources:

  1. Spider Plant Propagation In 5 Easy Steps – Get Busy Gardening” – This resource provides a step-by-step guide on the different methods of propagation.
  2. How to propagate a spider plant: two easy methods to try – Homes & Gardens” – A helpful article offering insights on easy methods of propagation.
  3. How to Propagate Spider Plants Using 3 Different Methods – Epic Gardening” – A comprehensive guide exploring three different methods for propagation, catering to various preferences.

These resources offer a wealth of knowledge that can help both novice and experienced gardeners to successfully propagate and care for spider plants.